anytone 578 plus. SkyBridge: 878 Plus & SkyBridge Plug N Play Package:. anytone 578 plus

SkyBridge: 878 Plus & SkyBridge Plug N Play Package:anytone 578 plus  The audio is loud and clear

Related products. Frequency coverage: RX AM Aircraft 108-136MHz, TX 144-148 MHz, TX 430-450MHz and wide band receive. The new Anytone 878UVII, released in the spring of 2021, now decodes analog APRS signals in addition to transmitting them. Hi folks it's Chuck, K0XM, a little video here on what is the sub channel? Well right now, I'm in digital mode, and if you see it only shows one zone and one channel, MCIBYRG, that's our North Kansas City Backyard repeater room. Models . AT-D578UV PLUS / AT-D578UVIII PLUS » When programming the radio, start by reading the factory software data from the radio, and then rewrite this data with your frequency etc. This video will show you how to open up features such as VFO, APRS, Scan, Digital Monitor, etc. » You can use the programming cable with a PC to program the frequency, channel type, powerAnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus Handheld Radio DMR Plug & Play Premium Package SkyBridge Plus Dual Band Digital Hotspot. Y. With full (S9 plus) signal, just 3 miles from the repeater, squelch closes at random while listening to the repeater, making the received audio stutter. The V2 now offers APRS RX as well as the VHF AM aviation band from 118 to 136 Mhz (RX only). The audio is loud and clear. AnyTone AT-D578UV Plus v2 SPECIFICATIONS. AnyTone 578 (V2 Model) Mobile Support Common AnyTone Issues & Helpful Info AnyTone 878 (V1 Model) Handheld Support AnyTone 578 (V1 Model) Mobile Support AnyTone 868 Handheld Support SkyBridge Support DV MEGA / PI STAR Support Xiegu G90 Support BCM Mobile Support BCR Repeater. 578UVIII Plus - Is there a way to turn off the beep when you rotate the channel knob? Solved see coments. 17; Anytone AT-D878UVII 3. Hunting down the correct firmware, figuring out how to download it, and then making sure it works. How to Add a VFO Channel on the AnyTone 578 Memory Mode Using the Front Panel. 95lbs. They keep promising a BT remote head until thats out it's another shack princess. AnyTone USB Driver: Click Here To Download Important USB Driver Manufacturer's Website. [2]Chanel Set. AnyTone BT01 Bluetooth Speaker Mic. 05 and 1. Thank you very much for choosing our Anytone Digital DMR and Analog mobile two way radio. Another important detail is the the speaker signal sent to the hand mic is balanced so the Speaker - (Minus) should not be connected to the radio ground pin. El Anytone AT-D578UV ofrece una verdadero VFO, lo que lo hace mucho más adecuado para la radioafición. AnyTone 878 (V2 Model) CPS & Firmware Downloads. I open up the new AnyTone 578 dual-band, dual-mode mobile radio. . maybe someone can shed some light on programming errors. The Model tool in the CPS can be used to identify or change the Band Mode of only the code plug in the CPS code plug to a different Band Mode. 95. Turn the radio on. Featured manuals. This Group is for users of the AnyTone D578 (Mobile), D868 (HT), and D878 (HT) series DMR Radios. Brand New. TYT MD-UV390 Dual Band 136-174MHz/400-480MHz DMR W/GPS Waterproof Dustproof IP67 $ 150. AnyTone 868, 878, 878 Plus Comparison Guide; New Anytone AT-D878UVII APRS Setup;How to Update The Firmware On The AnyTone 578 Mobile Radio. DMR Tier I and Tier II operation. vr-n7500 is the mobile that ticks those boxes mostly. Now you can obtain this by going to bridgecomsystems. SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE FOR AT-D578UV PLUS. The other way is to find/create a schematic for the AnyTone and create your own remote head kit. Anytone BT01 Bluetooth Microphone for the AT-D578UV (PRO & PLUS models) size comparison of D878UV (left) and BT01 microphone (right) the BT01 can also be used as a wired microphone with the included 13ft cable MSRP $149. $399. Per BridgeCom policy, we will not provide. * (0) $35. APRX TX Tone – Just turn this off, it is a weird tone which will just annoy you. After the radio is read it should look like the picture below. This is a full list of all available FreeDMR Talkgroups, pre-formatted for easy import into your "TalkGroups" list on your AnyTone Radio. How to Quickly Skip a Channel When Scanning on Your AnyTone 878 Plus. It´s based on my codeplug for D878UV Plus, converted to work with the D578UV Plus. AnyTone AT-D878UVII PLUS - CPS V3. Go get a coffee. Analog APRS Settings. It sounds like your current selection is SE. d578uv. Overview; Reviews; Product Description. ) Use the latest FW version. So we're gonna go to menu, hit the menu button. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the same size, have you looked at. Are you looking to pair your AnyTone DMR radio with Bluetooth? Bluetooth can be a tricky thing to navigate, so today we break down each step in the process f. Download the AnyTone 578 full defroster pack (2. Anytone AT-D578UV PLUS VHF and UHF Mobile radio Digital Analog High Power 60W with GPS APRS AIR band with reasonable price, excellent performance and excellent quality, it has won wide recognition from. CPS->Common Setting-> Optional Setting ->GPS/Ranging -> GPS Roaming should be set ON to enable this function (make sure the GPS should be ON first). Radios from are the best ;-) . As mentioned before, the radio is solid. I realize that the 578 will have different features in the “optional” settings but geeze guys, make one CPS software that will use the base channel, Zone, and talk groups for all the radios. 95 INCLUDE SBB-5NMO. This Bluetooth micro-headset for the Anytone AT-D878UV* handheld or the mobile AT-578UV*, allows you to receive and make calls in hands-free mode, it integrates PTT button and can operate in addition to the Anytone external PTT button. 03 official release 220706. Works with the AT-D578UV Pro, AT-578UV III Pro, and AT-D578UV III Plus radios. It. 5 ppm @ -20 to +55°C (-4 to +131°F)Nov 23, 2019. In the radio MENU, it's under Settings / Radio Set / Ana Sql Level. 99. When you write to the radio, the radio power cycles and sometimes you have to exit the CPS, unplug the radio, plug the radio back in (and turn the radio on. It all sounds like a headache, but it doesn’t need to be. You will have to add your callsign and DMR-id in Radio ID list and for APRS. 95* *After Coupons & Promotions. Fw v1. There we go. So if you'd like to learn more about the Anytone 878PLUS and all of its abilities, please check the link and description below. Probably the same (or close) for the '578. Now with max vol set at 8 on code plug and on radio i have to hold it to my ear to barely hear it. In this case we're going with an 878 PLUS, and then just go ahead and and find the latest. 204 release (dated: 211210) already so this v2. 1 $ 459. GENERAL: Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver: Frequency range: Europe TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz RX: 87. ANYTONE AT-D578UVIII PRO DMR/ANALOG 2M/220/70CM MOBILE. Ive seen it on Anytone 868 and 578 models. AnyTone 578 (V2 Model) Mobile Support Common AnyTone Issues & Helpful Info AnyTone 878 (V1 Model) Handheld Support AnyTone 578 (V1 Model) Mobile Support AnyTone 868 Handheld Support SkyBridge Support DV MEGA / PI STAR Support Xiegu G90 Support BCM Mobile Support BCR Repeater. AnyTone 578 (V2 Model) Mobile Support Common AnyTone Issues & Helpful Info AnyTone 878 (V1 Model) Handheld Support AnyTone 578 (V1 Model) Mobile Support AnyTone 868 Handheld Support SkyBridge Support DV MEGA / PI STAR Support Xiegu G90 Support BCM Mobile Support BCR Repeater. Mar 2, 2021. Historische examens F/N (NL) you need to alter the DMR Radio ID plus Name and APRS callsign. We'll go to radio settings. SkyBridge: 878 Plus & SkyBridge Plug N Play Package:. Gain: 3. Installation Manual • Installation Manual. The TX output of the AnyTone sounds fine listening on the hytera and also radio check is also reported fine by others on brandmeister via the OpenSpot. uk) Download the UK DMR Repeater List Here. 99; Recent Posts. , Ltd, established in 1993, covers an area of 18 acres, and has built 25000 square meters standardized Garden-plant building. $459. I am sure this is the same for the 578, but since there isn’t much info. I bought a 578 and BT-01 to use in my truck. Set one of the programmable buttons to be the ‘Scan’ button. 77-inch (4. SKU: AT-D878UVII-PLUS. The LPH-KEN/S is designed to provide radio mounting for our AnyTone AT. 08 and see if it will still work with the new firmware. DMR RX was fine last year right after I purchased the radio. I pulled the code plug out of my Anytone D868UV and imported into the D578UV software and that worked fine but it would not download into the radio. AnyTone 878/878 Plus Helpful Guides; See more. I am building a codeplug and over the next couple of. Frequency Range: TX 144-146 430-440MHz RX 136-174,400-470MHz. Ready to Ship! Anytone AT-D578UV III Pro DMR Dual-band Mobile Commercial Radio with GPS and Bluetooth VHF/UHF Dual-band Digital/Analog Part 90 DMR commercial mobile transceiver with 1. If the Band Setting Password box doesn’t show a password and the Frequency doesn’t show the Mode close the program and reboot it. Spend less. The new version of Anytone AT-D578UV PLUS V2 mobile radio features VFO mode, APRS in FM and DMR, with GPS and Bluetooth. This programming cable is used with the CPS as well as when you are updating the firmware of the radio. 18 and firmware 1. Excited about the AnyTone 578 Mobile?Take a look at this video demo that Duane Reese, N6DMR, made. 25 KHz: Frequency stability: ±2. Dual RX (Analog+DMR or Analog+Analog) True-2-slot: Provide 2-slot communication which allows for 2 talk paths on 1 frequency; ETSI DMR Tier I and II compliant. You must be logged in to post a review. . Great Radio: By David: First I want to say how responsive this dealer is. Yes, so what promiscuous mode allows you to do is do single time slot or double time slot monitoring, which is basically just where you can listen to multiple channels at the same time. Then go to Optional Settings. Key Features, Working Mode: Full duplex on UU, UV, VV, VU. Includes USB Programming cable and external Bluetooth PTT button. 00 (in) Depth: 4. Settings. BT01 - Bluetooth Microphone Manual. ENERGY SISTEM Radio 210 User Manual Operation & user’s manual (12 pages) Sony XAV-701BT Service Manual Service manual (124 pages) Sony CDX-F5000 Service Manual Service manual (44 pages) Pioneer DEH-P4800MP Install Manual Installation manual (7 pages) Pyle PWMA130. comFollow us on Facebook for product updates, deals, giveaways, and sales were doi. 0 kHz Analog, and 12. From the radio menu, go to Settings / Radio Set / #28 Scan Mode / select CO (carrier operation), TO (timed operation), or SE (scan end). AnyTone AT-D578UVIII PLUS - CPS V1. When you get the AnyTone mobile radio it might be set to a band you don’t really want. WFM receiver 87. Anytone make sure that all the buyers in the world are reaching the sellers who are offering them top of the line quality of the product. It has a huge heat sink design and a rear-mounted fan, which can be activated by one of three modes ptt/temperature/ or both. AnyTone 578 (V1 Model) Mobile Support AnyTone 868 Handheld Support SkyBridge Support DV MEGA / PI STAR Support. Anytone 578 is definitely a far cry from the big professional DMR radio manufacturers and clearly less expensive. AT-D578UV PLUS / AT-D578UVIII PLUS » When programming the radio, start by reading the factory software data from the radio, and then rewrite this data with your frequency etc. Got the radio today, genuinely impressed with it. Black 144 / 440 MHz Dualband Vertical Mobile Antenna - 40 Inches tall - NMO Connector - Black. This is the programming cable for the AT-D578UV mobile DMR radio from AnyTone. 99; AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Tri-Band Amateur DMR Mobile Radio $ 399. zip. I used the password 5*0# and it allowed me to select mode 0014. Aquí se puede ajustar la frecuencia y otros parámetros a. Anytone AT-D578UV PLUS Dual Band Digital Amateur Radio with DTMF microphone walkie-talkie Cross band Repeater function high sales volume can help companies open up new markets and establish and consolidate ecological barriers, so that companies can maintain strong competitiveness for a long time. 5/25 kHz (analog) or fixed 12. Read the radio. Our Software is designed for Windows Operating Systems. on the Anytone AT-D578UV Pro and AT-D578UV III Pro. The latest software and firmware release can be. It has FW 1. 578 Mobile (you may need the 4 character password for the following steps) Test Mode is no longer available (Legacy Information Only)Connect Systems. Read Full Description. Smile more. Its probably Codeplug related. How To Quickly Install Software for the AnyTone 578UVIIIPRO DMR Radio: Installing the right Computer Programming Software (CPS) can be stressful and certainl. 77 inch color TFT display Bluetooth, GPS and DMR roaming. Recording is an option inside some of the newer as well as the 578, and Recording is just as it states, Recording is recording what the radio transmits and receives. 00. 136-174 / 400-480. Document Type . AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus – Dual Band DMR/Analog 7W VHF, 6W UHF – w/Free $97 Training Course – Bluetooth PTT - Digital/Analog APRS RX & TX - 500K Contacts Plus Great Support from BridgeCom!. This is Cody from BridgeCom Systems and in this video I'm going to be showing you how to unlock the keypad on your new AnyTone Radio. The radio should look like the following: 2. Massive Memory: 4,000 Memory Channels, 10,000 DMR Talk Groups, 500,000 Digital Contacts, 250 zones, up to 250 channels per zone. Is it possible to show frequency and channel name at the same time on AnyTone 878UV? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 3 months ago. Anytone DMR D578UV - Dual Band D578IIIPRO - Tri-Band FCC Part 90 T4K-D578UV FCC Part 90 T4K-D878UVIII Miklor Mailing List Tutorials DMR Tutorial Code Plug 1. That's gonna be the button on the front of the radio that says P1. The stock programming software will allow access to all features and options such as: 2TONE, 5TONE, MSK, and more. So first off, open up the CPS. 99 Key New Features:. In "optional settings" of the PPS, there is a way to fix the volume on both the speaker and headphones (look at the Volume/Audio tab). RT Systems DMR-D578 Programming software makes it easy to manage memory channel information and other menu settings of the Anytone AT-D578 radio. Models . AnyTone AT-D578UVIII PLUS Tri-Band Amateur DMR Mobile Radio Rated 4. . Import/Export: Enhanced CPS allows direct input and export of channels, digital IDs and talkgroups. Some of these are reprogrammed from the get-go. Anytone AT-D578UV Pro Tx extended. DMR Tier I and Tier II operation. AnyTone AT-D578UV III Pro Price and Specifications. . Anytone DMR AT-D578UV PLUS Digital Analogue Mobile Radio Dual band BT / APRS /GPS /AIR BAND Relying on the excellent quality and pain-solving functions, it is loved and communicated by customers, which not only allows the company's product brand to gain great market exposure, but also makes the company's market sales and market share. Connect radio to power, turn on power supply and turn off radio. Updating the firmware on your Anytone AT-D578UV Plus will erase your radio's current programming. Connect the USB charging cord into. Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus DMR Radio Dual band Radio Portable Casset with AES256 digital encryption has all. 18 & Firmware V2. 00: Download Factory Brochure / Android Update App / etc. Is the AnyTone 878UVII Plus able to use APRS? Today, Cody W3AMG walks you through exactly what the 878UVII Plus can do with APRS and how to set up your AnyTo. Performance of the DMR-D578 programmer is guaranteed with the RT Systems RT-49 cable however, the manufacturer's cable can be used if you are certain of the setup and. Any way to enter test mode on the D578UV pro running latest FW to change the radio bands ? Believe the software programme for doing this written by G4EML no longer works since the FW update, also. GTIN: 840128905531. We are specialized in manufacturing Anytone AT-D578UV PLUS Dual Band Digital Amateur Radio with DTMF microphone walkie-talkie Cross band Repeater function, etc. First production release with latest firmware and CPS. He is very responsive and helpful to questions. It covers VHF 144-146 Mhz (2m) and UHF 430-440 Mhz (70cm) amateur radio bands in FM analog and DMR digital mode, Tier I. Download the Anytone AT-D578UV Pro Firmware v1. AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus Handheld Radio DMR Plug & Play Premium Package SkyBridge. All you need to do is to press the channel knob and the P4 button at the same time and turn on the radio. Updating the firmware on your Anytone AT-D578UV Pro will erase your radio's current programming. It is Anytone Original factory BT Microphone for Anytone 578 and can be legally exported to foreign countries. For some reason, it hid all my zones, and I had to load up the CPS to un-hide them. Various sizes of Anytone AT-D578UV PLUS VHF 136-174MHZ UHF 400-480MHZ 60 Watt Dual Band Base Mobile Radio Amateur Ham Radio are available for clients. The AnyTone AT-D578UV is one of the most advanced DMR amateur radios available at any price with an unbelievable set of features not currently available in any other radio. Numbers keyboard on microphone, 10 freely configurable keys. Instructions for updating your radio's contact list may be found here. This is a great place, a great resource for all your radio needs. Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co.